Welcome to visit Shang Gu Industrial Co website, when using services and information of our website, we want you to be clear how we’re using information and our privacy policy. Please refer to following content:
1. Application
- Our privacy policy includes how to deal with the personal information identifies you when you use our website.
- Privacy policy does not apply to URL offered by other companies, individuals or other sites linked from our site, it also does not apply to persons or companies we don’t authorize.
2. Data collection and application
In order to offer best interactive service, we might please you to provide personal information as following:
- When you use inquiry function, quotation survey and other services, we will record your name, e-mail, contact information, and visit time.
- In general situation, the server will record related network path automatically, including IP addresses, visit time, browser, and functions, which are the reference for enhance website service. We will never publish the data, it will only used for inside research.
- For providing precise service, we will analysis the survey data, and present as statistic data or words description. In addition to inside research, we might publish analysis data or words description depends on needs, but it doesn’t include specific personal information.
- We will never share your personal information to other individuals or using information for a purpose other than those that are list in our privacy policy unless we have your consent or legal regulation.
3. Data Protection
- Only authorized persons can access your information, and who have sign the confidentiality obligations, and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these obligations.
- If there is need to entrust our related department to provide service, who are also subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations.
4. Referral URL
- Our website offer referral URL of other sites, you can access to other sites through our website. But the referral sites does not apply our privacy policy, you have to refer to the policy it provide.
5. Cookies
- For offering best service, we will send cookie to your devices, if you don’t want to accept it, you can set the security level into high of Internet browser which can reject cookies, but some of service may not function properly.
6. Modifying of privacy policy
- Our privacy policy will modify anytime when in need, the modify policy will post on website.